Meet Us

Learn more about the dedicated team behind our Asian Pacific Islander Program. Discover the passionate individuals who are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all members of the community. Explore their roles, expertise, and contributions as they work tirelessly to support and advocate for the Asian and Pacific Islander community.


Dr. Sophia Sangwanthong is currently serving as the acting director of the Asian Pacific Islander Program. She also teaches in the Honors College and English Department at NMSU. Sophia is an Arab American who holds Master’s Degrees in Philosophy and Communication, and a PhD in Rhetoric and Professional Communication. She has done numerous research in Cultural Studies and recently completed an IRB Approved project, with student scholars from the API Program, examining the experiences of Asian, Asian American, and Arab students at NMSU. She has been invited to give numerous talks and workshops in the US and abroad for high schools, universities, and community organizations. Her published work can be found in The International Journal of Žižek Studies, Interalia, and Women’s Studies in Communication, with forthcoming research to be published in Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social, as well as Journal of Latinos and Education. She can be reached directly at or through the API Program at 575-646-3680.