Roshni 2023

The Indian Students Association and the Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander community hosted Roshni on Nov. 5, 2023. Serving as a homage to the Indian festival of lights often referred to as Diwali, Roshni is a celebration of Indian heritage that allows Indian students to celebrate while away from home.

The image shows two men standing side by side on a stage or raised platform. Both men are wearing traditional South Asian attire. The man on the left is holding a microphone with both hands, appearing to be in the middle of speaking. He is dressed in a light gray kurta with intricate embroidery down the front and on the cuffs. He wears glasses and has short, dark hair. The man on the right is standing with his hands clasped in front of him, looking forward. He is dressed in a dark brown sherwani with gold accents, including a decorative chain and a pocket square. He also wears glasses and has short, dark hair. The background is a light-colored curtain with small fairy lights and an image of a lit oil lamp projected on a screen above and behind them. The heads of a few audience members are visible at the bottom of the image.
The image shows a night scene featuring individuals handling fireworks. The central focus is on a person dressed in dark clothing, bending over as they light a ground-level firework. The firework emits a bright red and pink light, with sparks and smoke visible. The glow illuminates the surrounding area in a reddish hue. To the right of the person, there are a couple of conical firework casings on the ground. In the background, several other individuals are faintly visible, also holding sparklers. The backdrop is dark with distant street lights and illuminated buildings.
The image captures two individuals engaged in a traditional dance performance. Both are adorned in bright, elaborate attire typical of classical Indian dance. The person facing the camera has a light blue dress with a yellow and green sash, adorned with intricate jewelry including a headpiece, earrings, necklaces, and bangles. The person with their back to the camera wears a vibrant purple and gold outfit with a matching set of jewelry and decorations in her hair, including a floral garland with white and orange flowers. They are holding hands, forming a dance posture. The background is simple, with a red and tan wall and a blurred figure sitting and watching the performance.

The image portrays a group of people, including children and adults, gathered outdoors at night, likely watching an event or performance. The scene is lit by artificial lights creating a warm glow. The people are standing or sitting on a stone structure composed of light-colored, irregularly shaped stones. The foreground left side shows several leafy branches, hinting at surrounding vegetation. In the background, there are more people standing near a dimly lit area, and some distant trees are softly visible. One child in a blue sweatshirt and red shoes stands on the ground, while others, mostly children, sit on the stone ledge, some holding phones to capture the moment. A child near the right side is raising an arm excitedly, and a woman in a red top stands further in the background on the right, focusing on the event.
The image shows a vivid, colorful firework display against a dark background. The firework is positioned on the ground and emits a bright, concentrated stream of light vertically upwards. This central beam is a mix of intense red and white colors. Surrounding this, numerous smaller sparks and bursts of light radiate outward in various directions, creating an explosive spectacle of red, blue, and white hues. The scene is enveloped in smoke, enhancing the luminous effects of the firework bursts. In the background, faint silhouettes of people can be seen observing the display from a distance, though the darkness makes them indistinct.

The image shows a man wearing a blue traditional outfit standing behind a wooden podium with a microphone. The man has gray hair, glasses, and is pointing with one finger while speaking. To his left on the podium is a brass multi-tiered oil lamp. In the background, there are white hanging string lights and a vertical garland of orange and yellow flowers creating a festive atmosphere. The audience's heads are partially visible at the bottom of the image.
Preeti Maurya sings a Hindu prayer before the Roshni celebration starts, Sunday, Nov. 5, 2023.
Director of LGBT+ Programs, Zooey Sophia Pook, shows her support for NMSU’s Indian community by attending the Roshni celebration, Sunday, Nov. 5, 2023. The image depicts a person standing behind a wooden podium, speaking into a microphone. They are wearing a black face mask, a black top, and a black jacket. Behind them, the background is adorned with yellow and orange marigold garlands and strings of small white lights. The setting appears to be an indoor event, possibly a formal gathering or a ceremony, inferred by the well-lit and decorated background. The audience is partially visible in the blurred foreground, indicating their attention towards the speaker.

The image captures a nighttime scene where two people are celebrating with sparklers. The woman on the left is wearing a traditional sari, which is illuminated by the bright light of the sparklers in her hand. The man on the right is casually dressed in trousers and a shirt, holding a sparkler of his own. The brightness of the sparklers casts a reddish glow on their faces and clothes, emphasizing their expressions and movements. The background is dark, with only faint hints of other people and surroundings barely visible due to the low light.
The composite image showcases four women engaged in traditional Indian dance. The women are dressed in vivid and elaborate traditional attire significant to Indian classical dance forms. The image is split into two halves. On the left side, two women stand in profile with their hands on their hips, adorned in aqua blue and purple outfits with gold accents. They are wearing waist belts, heavy jewelry, and decorative headpieces with white garlands. On the right side, another pair of women perform a dance move, extending their arms outward. They are dressed in vibrant blue, purple, and yellow costumes with gold trim and are similarly adorned with jewelry and headpieces. The background shows a simple indoor setting with neutral colors and a few blurred figures.