The API Program promotes cultural awareness and community support at NMSU.

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We welcome anyone and everyone to our programs who want to engage in community, share in knowledge, and learn with usThe Asian Pacific Islander Program provides resources and programming directly to meet the needs of Asian, Pacific Islander, Arab, Indian, Asian American, and all backgrounds related to API heritage. The Asian Pacific Islander Program provides education and opportunities to all students, faculty, and staff of NMSU in learning about the cultures, history, and peoples of Asia and the Pacific Islands.

We welcome students to visit our office in Garcia Center 133 Monday through Friday 8am-5pm where we have a computer lab with free printing, research and entertainment library, and lounge with microwave and fridge. Please visit us at nmsu_api on IG to learn more about our student groups and events. We welcome all in the NMSU community to join us. 

Asian Pacific Islander Program Operates:

Monday: 8 am - 5 pm
Tuesday: 8 am - 5 pm
Wednesday: 8 am - 5 pm
Thursday: 8 am - 5 pm
Friday: 8 am - 5 pm
Closed for lunch break from 12 pm to 1 pm.



Stay connected with us by following our Instagram account dedicated to Asian Pacific Islander Program. Keep up with our latest updates, events, and initiatives as we strive to foster an inclusive and supportive community.

The image shows three people standing close together outdoors in a sunny setting. The person on the left is wearing a black blouse with colorful floral embroidery, large black sunglasses, and has a headband. The person in the middle is taller, wearing glasses, and a white T-shirt with colorful artwork and the words "Equality," "Freedom," "Unite," "Revolution," and "Fight for Justice." The person on the right is wearing a light gray patterned short-sleeve shirt over a white T-shirt, sunglasses, and is holding a water bottle. They are all smiling. The background shows a clear, blue sky with a few clouds, green trees, and a grassy area. In the foreground, there are red tables with clipboards on them.
The image is a screenshot of the Instagram profile for "nmsu_api," representing the Asian and Pacific Islander Program at New Mexico State University. The profile has a black background with the username "nmsu_api" displayed in white at the top, followed by several statistics: 170 posts, 568 followers, and 28 following. The profile picture is a circular logo featuring the text "Asian & Pacific Islander Program at New Mexico State University" surrounded by decorative elements resembling cherry blossoms. Below, there is a brief description of the program, a clickable link for research participation, and two follower profiles. The screen displays six posts arranged in two rows:  First row, left: A person in a blue sleeveless blouse smiles and holds a plate with watermelon. First row, middle: An animated character with short, dark hair, subtly blushing. First row, right: Two people sit outdoors at a table with food, one person holding a multicolored fan. Second row, left: Three people dressed in vibrant and stylish clothing pose together outdoors. Second row, middle: A person with long hair, dressed in a plaid shirt, sits at a table in a library. Second row, right: A text post summarizing the API program's achievements and events. Below these images, another event poster announces an "Asian American, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month Panel" scheduled for Monday, 5/6 at 3 PM in the Corbett Senate Chambers.
The image portrays a group of seven people standing together outdoors under a large tree with a green and glass building in the background. They appear to be participating in an event, standing behind a table that is decorated with various colorful items, including ornaments, textiles, and small statuettes. The table is draped with a green, yellow, and white cloth. The group is casually dressed in a mix of traditional and modern attire. The overall atmosphere seems celebratory and communal.

Icon of Instagram Logo which will take you to Asian and Pacific Islander Program's Instagram page Click to Follow  --  nmsu_api

The image is a logo for the Asian Pacific Islander Program. The background is a deep maroon rectangle with slightly rounded edges and an extended tail section at the bottom left. At the top center of the logo, there is a white lotus flower design composed of five symmetrical petals, with three petals at the top and two larger petals fanned out below them. Below the graphic, centered in bold white text are the words “Asian Pacific Islander Program.” Underneath the program name, in smaller capital letters, the phrase “BE BOLD.” is written in white, followed by the phrase “Shape the Future” in regular white text.

Asian Pacific Islander Program
The image is a circular logo with a white background. Within the circle, there are four stylized human figures. The upper half of the figures (representing heads) are in maroon, whereas the lower half (representing bodies) are in gray. The figures are arranged in such a way that two larger, overlapping figures are at the bottom, and above them are three smaller, distinct heads. The figures appear to be part of a diverse group. Surrounding the figures is a maroon circular band with text inscribed within it. The text is in uppercase and reads, "EQUITY • INCLUSION • DIVERSITY" at the top and "NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY" at the bottom, oriented in a circular path.
Office of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity